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Join the JRNA Board

Have you ever thought about joining the JRNA Board? We're a small but mighty team of neighbors who work together to keep our neighborhood informed about local issues, plan community gathering events (like our upcoming Spring Social, 4th of July parade, and annual picnic), and fund-raise to continue improving our communal outdoor spaces.

But we can't keep doing it alone - we need some help from folks like you who have new ideas, talents, and interests! Being on the board means you'll have a spot at the table as we plan future events, take on new projects, and work to make our neighborhood even stronger.

We are accepting board nominations up until we announce the final slate at the Annual Meeting on March 16th at 4pm. But we'd love to know you're interested before then!

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else to join the board, please fill out this short nomination form.

Questions about what it's like to be on the board? Email us at and a board member will get back to you.

Thanks for considering,

Your current JRNA Board Members


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